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MD Tech Leader Talks

This event has now ended.

Manchester Digital's Tech Leader Talks, sponsored by Slalom, 为西北地区大型数字和科技企业的高级领导人提供了聚集在一起建立网络的机会, share best practices and make new connections.

For our next event, we'll be joined by Richard Corbridge, Chief Digital Information Officer at DWP Digital, Danielle Haguedal-Wilson, 数字、技术和数据战略、绩效和治理主管 at Co-op, Jason Hughes, 捷豹路虎现场可靠性工程章节负责人, and Mikey Smith, CTO at Money Supermarket.

本次活动将以社交活动的形式举行,为与会者提供免费饮料和薯片,然后进行问答&A session with Richard, Danielle, Jason and Mikey, led by Triin Sober, Senior Principal in the Data and Analytics Team at Slalom. 会议将由十大网博靠谱平台数码董事会成员Rachel Tsang介绍, Deputy Director, Digital Identity at Government Digital Service.

Date: Thursday 9th November 2023

Time: 17:00- 19:00

Venue: 十大网博靠谱平台数字,技术孵化器,十大网博靠谱平台技术中心,牛津路,十大网博靠谱平台,M1 7ED

Tech Leader Talks are delivered in partnership with Slalom.


Our guests

Richard Corbridge 

Chief Digital Information Officer
DWP Digital

Richard Corbridge是DWP Digital的首席数字信息办公室(CDIO),于2023年4月澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台工作和养老金部(DWP)的数字小组. 全球公认的数字技术专家,并将其应用于各种业务. 他拥有超过25年的医疗保健行业不同CIO职位的经验, research, and retail sectors. 理查德对创新、商业变革和福利管理充满热情. 作为一名领导者,他坚持关注所有技术实施所带来的参与和利益. 

Danielle Haguedal-Wilson   


Danielle has worked in the digital, data technology sector for over 20 years and is 数字、技术和数据战略、绩效和治理主管 at the 150 year old Co-op. 自2001年以来,Danielle一直是Co-op数字空间的一部分,并在多个部门工作过. 除了她在技术领域的职业生涯,丹妮尔还是沃德利地图的倡导者和实践者. 丹妮尔是西北技术社区的杰出人物, regularly speaking, 在本地和全球举办活动和评审技术竞赛. 他是数字、数据和技术领域知名的热情、积极的多元化倡导者. 

Jason Hughes   

Chapter Head for SRE
Jaguar Land Rover

过去4年来,Jason一直在捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)领导SRE文化转型.5 years. 从一开始只有一个工程师,到团队发展到24人(还在增加), Jason在塑造公司的SRE格局方面发挥了关键作用. 拥有丰富的背景,包括担任VMware技术培训师和DevOps顾问, Jason brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table.

Mikey Smith     

Chief Technology Officer
Money Supermarket

Mikey是一位拥有超过23年开发和设计各种软件的软件工程领导者 industries from retail to finance. 他领导了多达84名同事,并成功地扩大了规模 focus with a proven track record of consistent project delivery.

Rachel Tsang     

Deputy Director, Digital Identity
Government Digital Service

本文作者为十大网博靠谱平台数码董事会成员及政府数码服务副总监。, responsible for live service operations for GOV.UK One Login. Prior to this, Rachel was a Deputy Director for GOV.UK and has held a number of digital, programme delivery, 在包括财政部在内的政府部门担任政策和战略角色, Department for Education, Government Equalities Office, Ministry of Justice and Department for Work and Pensions.

Triin Sober 

Senior Principal

Triin leads Slalom’s data strategy, 在十大网博靠谱平台的管理和分析团队,具有在多个国家和行业从事数据相关工作的经验. With a passion for data, Triin喜欢与客户合作,了解数据如何帮助实现业务目标,并创建一种既关注人又关注技术的变革方法.

At Manchester Digital, 我们相信创造一个包容和多元化的社区,让每个人都感到受欢迎和重视. 我们致力于确保我们所有的活动参与者都有一个安全的, enjoyable experience that meets their needs.

我们邀请所有与会者如有任何饮食要求,请与我们联系, accessibility needs, or neurodiversity requirements, 或者如果他们在访问期间需要住宿以尊重他们的文化或宗教需求. We believe that by working together, 我们可以创造一个欢迎所有人的环境,让每个人都能充分参与我们的活动.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫与我们联系. 我们总是很高兴收到您的来信,并与您合作,以确保我们的活动对每个人都是可访问和包容的.

Free to Members to attend

To reserve your place, book your ticket today. 此活动仅针对高层领导和决策者,请发送电子邮件 if this does not apply to you but you would like to attend. We reserve the right to cancel any orders.

Please flag any special dietary or accessibility requirements to as soon as possible.

You can download our Code of Conduct here.

From Free
9 November 2023 17:00 - 19:00
十大网博靠谱平台数字,技术孵化器,十大网博靠谱平台技术中心,牛津路,十大网博靠谱平台,M1 7ED

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